We at the Center Against Domestic Violence wish you all the best for a safe and violence-free 2014!
We know from your past support that you care about ending domestic violence, teen dating abuse and bullying. That’s why we're reminding you that your final chance to make a tax deductible donation for 2013 is fast approaching.

Thanks to your donations to the Center, a thousand women and children found safety in our shelters this year, and another 30,000 high school and intermediate school students learned how to have healthy relationships and how to end bullying and abuse. The Center has been working hard to end abuse since 1976, but we need your help to support thousands of women, men, children and teens to live healthy, happy lives unthreatened by violence.
I hope you’ll join us as we prepare for another year of life saving and life changing services. If you have already made your year end gift, thank you. If you haven't donated yet, please click here to donate.
Thank you for all you do to end violence in relationships.
Happy new year!
Help us ring in 2014 - Give the Gift of Safety to survivors as they rebuild their lives in the new year.
Help us ring in 2014 - Give the Gift of Safety to survivors as they rebuild their lives in the new year.