On March 16th, the CADV Half Marathon team will run a combined 65.5 miles through Manhattan in the NYC Half. For our team, this is more than just a race -- each runner has committed to fundraise $1,500 for the Center's Survivor Advocacy and Community Based services.
Learn More about the team and support our runners!
Part of the funds raised will benefit the Center's Spanish Speaking Support Group, which serves Spanish speaking survivors of domestic violence. The women are in all different stages of rebuilding their lives: some used to live in one of our shelters, some are still living with a batterer, some are living on their own without having ever been to emergency shelter.
Most new participants are invited by a friend or acquaintance who attends or has attended the group. The group grows organically in the community through word of mouth recruitment by fellow survivors.
The two case managers who run the group encourage the women to integrate into their communities and to learn to independently negotiate their environments. At each meeting, the case managers run a workshop to teach skills that will empower the survivors to live independently and healthily. Workshop topics include budgeting, safety planning, safe housing, parenting skills, and women's health. There are also workshops on yoga, self case, and clothing design, to build self esteem and encourage emotional healing. Because many attendees are immigrants, the group covers topics pertaining specifically to immigrants, such as how to obtain a U Visa.
Many of the group members utilize the Center's other services. (These services, which include 1-on-1 counseling, safety planning, and referrals, are also supported by the Half Marathon team!) This holistic approach helps survivors become safe and independent.
The communal aspect of the support group is its most important feature. Some research indicates that the most useful tool for victims of domestic violence is the support group. The group experience allows individuals to see how the same patterns of power and control take place in all abusive relationships. This knowledge helps them to understand the dynamics of their abusive relationship more clearly. The group also reduces feelings of isolation and allows participants to develop supportive relationships with each other. Friendship building is encouraged at teach meeting.
We care deeply about this program and are so grateful to our runners for committing to help provide a space for survivor empowerment.
Support our runners and the Spanish Speaking Support Group here.