Monday, February 3, 2014

Why We Run: Survivor Advocacy and Community Based Services

On March 16th, the CADV Half Marathon team will run a combined 65.5 miles through Manhattan in the #NYCHalf. For our team, this is more than just a race-- each runner has committed to fundraise at least $1,500 for the Center's Survivor Advocacy and Community Based services.

Learn More about the team and support our runners!

The Survivor Advocacy and Community Based services are one branch of our organization; The Center also runs 3 emergency shelters for survivors and their children and develops and runs anti teen dating violence and anti bullying curriculum for public school students grades 3-12. The Survivor Advocacy and Community Based services support women living on their own (or with a batterer) who are in all different stages of safety planning and healing.

These services include:

  • Community Outreach - A team of volunteers distributes pamphlets, runs an information booth at events, and presents workshops for various organizations and groups to raise awareness about domestic violence and provide resources to get help.
  • Spanish Speaking Support Group - Spanish speaking survivors meet weekly with a Center social worker. This is a tight knit community through which the Center can administer services and support in many forms.
  • 1 on 1 Case Managing - Center social workers provide counseling, safety planning, legal referrals and support in court, assistance obtaining crime victims' compensation and orders of protection, and other services.

Thank you to our runners who committed to 13.1 miles and $1,500 to support these services!

Support our runners and our programs here.

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