Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 Year Highlights

Great news for survivors of domestic violence. The Center is proud to have been a part of the fight to increase the length of stay in domestic violence shelters in New York State.

2015 was the first full year survivors could stay in shelter for up to six months, to heal from the trauma of domestic violence.

This longer stay gives survivors time to build skills they need to live independent lives and never return to abusive relationships again. We worked with the New York City Coalition of Domestic Violence Residential Providers and the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence to bring about this change. I am honored to be a founding co-chair of the New York City Coalition and to represent the needs of the City on the State Coalition.

I wish everyone a happy and safe new year!

Judy Kahan

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

NASW Emerging and Mid-Career Social Work Leader Award Granted to CADV Director Luis Matos

Here at the Center we are fortunate to have Luis Matos, our Director of Education & Community Services. The National Association of Social Workers recognized Luis as a Mid-Career Exemplary Leader on December 3rd, at their 9th Annual Awards Dinner.  Luis shared this award night with other Top and Emerging Leader recipients.

Luis Matos (middle), sister – Lydia and friend – Frank.

Luis has directed CADV’s Department of Education & Community Services (ECS) since 1999. In that time, he has taken the lead to provide innovative nonresidential services to stop domestic violence and aid its survivors, raise community awareness about relationship abuse and let the community know about CADV’s services.

We applaud Luis for cultivating a society free from violence and abuse through education and intervention.  Since Luis has led the ECS utilization, our community-based case management services have tripled. ECS facilitates supports groups for Spanish speaking women, English speaking women and children affected by domestic violence.

Luis develops and coordinates CADV’s internal staff training and provides or trains others to provide training in the community. He is committed to developing the next generation of social workers, through supervision and mentoring.

Congratulations Luis for this well-deserved award!!