During the holiday season, reports of domestic violence incidents may vary by location, but one important fact remains the same – Domestic Violence doesn’t take a holiday. The Center Against Domestic Violence offers safety and joy to more than 60 families this holiday season. Courageous women have given up the comfort of their own homes to find safety for themselves and their children.
The holiday season is a difficult time to leave a batterer. Victims may stay in danger so their children can have a happy holiday with two parents. And, school vacation makes the logistics of leaving harder.
One of the most dangerous times for a domestic violence victim is while she is deciding to leave. Breaking free from abuse and control also means leaving her outside support system, which is never easy, but especially hard this time of year.
Click here to learn more about what it takes to leave a batterer, in an interview with The Maria Project's founder, Marcella Goheen.